About Us

Montana Trout Hunters is a premier fly fishing outfitter, located in the heart of Montana.

Our Story

Guiding Fly Fishing Enthusiasts Since 2014

Founded by Darrel, a passionate angler and a professional photographer, the business has been guiding fly fishing enthusiasts since 2014. Darrel, a native of Billings, Montana, spent over 26 years serving in the Army and Air Force before returning home to pursue his passion for fly fishing.

With a love for the outdoors and a knack for teaching, Darrel launched Montana Trout Hunters to share his knowledge and expertise with others. Today, the outfitter offers a variety of fishing trips, including float trips on the Madison and Missouri rivers and walk/wade trips on the Gallatin River. They can also customize trips to other Montana rivers based on the clients' needs.

About The Outfitter

Darrel DeLeon

Lead Guide | Owner

Darrel's love for fishing began in his youth, fishing small mountain streams with his grandmother. However, it wasn't until he was introduced to fly fishing by his music pastor, Frank, in Colorado Springs that he truly fell in love with the sport. Darrel is constantly seeking new experiences and knowledge, traveling the world to learn from other guides, anglers, and adventures. He uses this knowledge to teach his clients how to become the best fly fishers on the river.

At Montana Trout Hunters, clients can expect to not only catch fish but also learn the art of fly fishing. Darrel's goal is to teach his clients how to properly fly fish, so they can consistently catch fish no matter where they are fishing in the world. The outfitter also provides quality photographs of their clients and their catches to ensure maximum bragging rights.